Development of the Sheep and Wool Education Modules was coordinated by the University of New England, with funding provided by the Sheep Industry CRC, Australian Wool Innovation, Meat and Livestock Australia and the Australian Wool Education Trust.

With the winding up of the Sheep CRC in 2007 the CRC and its core parties assigned the intellectual property associated with these Sheep and Wool Modules to the Australian Wool Education Trust. This Deed requires the Trust to make this Intellectual Property available to other organisations and individuals, but with some caveats.

You are provided these Modules on condition that you agree to adhere to the following terms and conditions.


“AWET” means the Australian Wool Education Trust.

“AWI” means Australian Wool Innovation

“Course” means a sequence of instruction modules or units for degrees, diplomas or certificates (which may include but not consist exclusively of programmes or short courses) including extracts from or references to the Modules.

“Educational Activities” means the provision of an educational Course of instruction or post graduate research or coursework in the areas of sheep and wool education, which include extracts from or references to the modules, but excludes the delivery of a Course or any other training based solely on the modules.  “Educational Activities” also includes use of the Modules for self education or in their entirety as reference materials.

“Improvement” means any update, development, modifications, adoption of derivative work or improvement of the Modules or IP.

“Licensed IP” means all Intellectual Property rights in the Modules and all Improvement IP.

“MLA” means Meat and Livestock Australia

“Modules” means electronic or printed copies of educational materials assigned to AWET and all associated “Licensed IP”

“Research Activities” means non-commercial research, training and development activities, including Extension Activities, the outcomes of which are not subject to any assignment, licence, option, or right of refusal or negotiation in favour of a third party, but does not include Use for the purposes of the provision of a Course.

“Sheep CRC” means the Australian Sheep Industry Cooperative Research Centre

“UNE” means the University of New England.

“Use” in relation to the Modules means to use, and/or copy parts thereof for the purpose of self education, or insertion in Courses.


To access the wool and sheep industry education modules you must register. Registration requires the following information:

  • Your First Name
  • Your Surname
  • Your User Name
  • Your Email Address
  • Your Login Password
  • Your Industry Sector
    • Tertiary Education
    • Secondary Education
    • Consultant
    • Student
    • Wool Producer
    • Wool Processor
    • Wool Exporter
    • Other
  • Your Country of Residence
  • Your State of Residence

You may use a pseudonym for your User Name.

You must use a valid First Name and Surname. Pseudonyms will not be accepted.


  • You may Use the Modules for Educational Activities.
  • You may Use the Modules for Research Activities.
  • You may extract sections from the Modules for inclusion in training or development activities you are developing, provided that such extracts are clearly attributed to the source Modules.
  • You may cite or otherwise refer to the Modules in their entirety in relation to your Educational Activities or Research Activities.
  • You may not transfer or otherwise disseminate the Modules to third parties without the prior consent of AWET.
  • You may propose amendments, extensions or other Improvement IP to the modules to AWET.  You agree that such Improvement IP, if accepted by AWET, becomes the sole property of AWET.

Protection of IP

  • You must not engage in any conduct which may be detrimental to the interests or reputation of AWET or which may challenge the ownership or validity of any Licensed IP.
  • You may also copy the IP to the disk of a personal computer for your personal use. You may make a single backup copy of the IP.
  • Distribution of copies of the IP to other parties, without permission from AWET, will breach these terms and conditions.


  • You agree to acknowledge the contribution of the Sheep CRC, MLA, AWI and AWET to the Modules in all courses or publications you create relating to the Modules.


  • You agree to use the Modules at your own risk.  AWET will not be liable for any loss or damage from any cause (including negligence) incurred by consequent to your use of the Modules.  Any such loss or damage will be your responsibility.


  • You agree to indemnify AWET and keep it indemnified against all actions, claims, costs, demands, damages or liability arising in any manner from a breach by you of these terms and conditions.


  • AWET reserves the right to change these terms and conditions at any time and solely at its discretion