PhD Scholarship at Murdoch University

  • By Peter Sommerville
  • Feb 22 2019
  • Category: News
Project: Measurement of appetite, feed-use efficiency and fat metabolism to improve estimation of genotype profitability and selection indices in Merinos This PhD will be embedded within a large AWI-funded project that aims to quantify differences in systems efficiency between animals…
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Applications open for the SPA Sheep Industry Ambassador Award

  • By Peter Sommerville
  • Jan 28 2019
  • Category: News
Sheep Producers Australia is offering winners of the Sheep Industry Ambassador Award the opportunity to attend the New Zealand Sheep Industry Ambassador Program in March 2019. The program will foster and grow the up and coming leaders in the sheep…
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Tassie’s top ag science student researches wether productivity

  • By Peter Sommerville
  • Jan 28 2019
  • Category: News
Tasmanian Institute of Agriculture (TIA) student Lauren Rowlands has won a national scholarship and three awards recognising her achievements in agricultural science. An Undergraduate Project Scholarship from the Australian Wool Education Trust (AWET) – one of 15 awarded nationally –…
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Sheep CRC Final Conference

  • By Peter Sommerville
  • Dec 19 2018
  • Category: News
This is your last chance to tap into the minds of the Sheep CRC’s research team about new and innovative ways to improve your sheep business. After 18 years, the conference marks the final public event for the Sheep CRC…
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AWET 2017/18 Annual Report

  • By Peter Sommerville
  • Dec 4 2018
  • Category: News
A copy of the 2017/18 Annual Report is available on this website. In July 1997, Australian Wool Testing Authority Ltd (AWTA Ltd) donated $3.00 million of its Unappropriated Profits to a trust vehicle named “The AWTA Ltd Wool Education Trust”.  The…
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More News from Sheep Producers Australia

  • By Peter Sommerville
  • Nov 28 2018
  • Category: News
SPA hosts electronic identification ‘fact finding’ tour to Victoria. Members and partners of Sheep Producers Australia recently embarked on a two-day fact-finding trip where they observed electronic National Livestock Identification System (sheep) identification technology in use on Victorian farms, and…
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AWET Undergraduate Project and Masters by Coursework Scholarships – 2019

  • By Peter Sommerville
  • Aug 31 2018
  • Category: News
The Trust supports 15 Undergraduate Project Scholarships per year. These are available to suitable applicants from any University.  Each  is valued at $7,000 – with $3500 being allocated to the student and the balance to the University to fund its…
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Woolmark Learning Centre

  • By Peter Sommerville
  • Jul 23 2018
  • Category: News
The Woolmark Company’s Wool Appreciation Courses are free workshops offering insight into the production pipeline of Merino wool apparel – from fibre to garment – and detail the unique benefits, performance and fabric attributes of wool and wool products. They…
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AWET Consults with Wool Industry Educators

  • By Peter Sommerville
  • Jul 20 2018
  • Category: News
This has been a busy week. Universities Trustees met with representatives of a number of Universities delivering wool and sheep education. The Trust has been a major financier of the hub and spoke model, wherein UNE provides the hub, and…
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Intensive Courses in Wool Processing

  • By Peter Sommerville
  • Apr 24 2018
  • Category: News
2018 Wool training workshops A series of wool training workshops will be conducted at Deakin University in May 2018 on behalf of the Australian Wool Education Trust (AWET). The workshops will be delivered at the Institute for Frontier Materials (IFM)…
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