Support for Wool Education

The Trust provides funding in the following areas:

  1. Delivery of Sheep and Wool Education Modules
  2. Support to Universities – Units delivered by UNE
  3. Undergraduate Scholarships for Enrolment in UNE Modules
  4. Undergraduate and Masters by Coursework Project Scholarships
  5. Support for Universities – Students’ Work Experience and Career Grants
  6. Small Initiative Grants
  7. VET Sector Scholarships
  8. Marcus Oldham College – Dr Alastair Mackenzie Scholarship
  9. Grants for Fashion Students

Delivery of Sheep and Wool Education Modules

Initially, by investing in the Sheep CRC’s education programmes, the Trust facilitated the development of a comprehensive range of sheep and wool education modules which are now available at the University of New England (UNE) and also, via its long distance learning initiatives, to students in other institutes. Other industry sectors such as Meat and Livestock Australia, funded a complimentary range of sheep and sheep meat production modules.

At the end of the Sheep CRC the ownership of these modules was transferred to the Trust. The Trust in turn licenced UNE to deliver and manage this IP.

To facilitate this, funds are allocated to UNE by the Trust. This is the largest single funding arrangement made by the Trust.

Support to Universities – Units delivered by UNE

To support enrolments in these units, the Trust allocates funds to non-UNE Universities to offset any loss of income arising from their students enrolling externally in units delivered by UNE.  As of 2008 these funds have been distributed directly to the Universities by the Trust.

Undergraduate Scholarships for Enrolment in UNE Modules

To encourage enrolments in the modules being offered by UNE, the Trust co-funds a number of under-graduate scholarships for students across Australia who wish to undertake sheep and wool education training.

Each scholarship is valued at $6,000 and they are generally offered to students in the second or third year of their degree.

Other co-funders include industry companies and industry organisations.

The number of scholarships offered each year depends on the total funds available.

Applications for these scholarships are made through the University of New England.

No scholarships have been offered for 2024.

Undergraduate and Masters by Coursework Project Scholarships

The Trust will support 11 Undergraduate Project Scholarships in 2025 (available to suitable applicants from any University), each valued at $7,000.  The University and the student may negotiate how these funds will be split and, consequently the split of the funds must be specified in the application.

These scholarships are available to undergraduate students (3rd, 4th or Honours year) and Masters by Course Work students undertaking a research project relevant to wool and/or wool sheep. This relevance is the most significant criterion considered by the selection panel in assessing applications. Preference is given, but not limited to, Agriculture and/or Animal Science students.

Applicants must download the following 3 documents:

Undergraduate Scholarship Instructions 2024

Scholarship Application Form

Academic Referee’s Assessment

Applications for these scholarships must be made directly to the Trust and must be supported by an academic referee from the University at which the student is enrolled or intends to enrol.

Applications for 2025 Undergraduate and Masters by Coursework Project Scholarships close on Friday 15th November 2024.

Students’ Work Experience and Career Grants

To enhance their Students’ Work Experience and Careers, grants are available to Universities for activities that will assist their students to become career ready. Grants are valued at up to $10,000 per Institute in 2025. These Grants are valued at up to $10,000 per Institute in 2025.

Each proposal is at the University’s discretion, i.e. whatever the University believes will provide the best outcomes for students, and it must be wool and/or wool sheep focused. Preference is given, but not limited to, Agriculture and/or Animal Science students.  On completion, a statement from the University as to how the funding worked, along with a brief note from students reflecting on their experiences, is required.

A single page proposal to be assessed by AWET trustees is required.  Please send applications to the AWET Secretary e.

Applications for 2025  Students’ Work Experience and Career Grants close on Friday 1st November 2024.

Small Initiative Grants

These grants are available to academics who have an innovative idea regarding education but need some seed funding to develop and deliver the idea.  Applications may be made at any time during the year.

VET Sector Scholarships

The Trust supports the VET sector via 15 scholarships, valued at $3,000 each, being made available per year to students attending institutions in this sector.

Applications for these scholarships are made on behalf of the student(s) by the institution at which the student is enrolled.

Marcus Oldham College – Dr Alastair Mackenzie Scholarship

The Trust provides funding of $10,000 per annum to support the Alastair Mackenzie Scholarship at Marcus Oldham College in Victoria.

Applications for this scholarship must be made through Marcus Oldham College.

Grants for Fashion Schools

The Trust is providing grants to final year Fashion Students to assist them to purchase wool fabrics for their final year collections. Twenty-five grants are available, valued at $1500 for a final year student in a 3-year degree or $2000 for a final year student in a 4-year degree.

The students are selected by the Fashion Institute in which they are enrolled.