The camp was a science camp designed to show students that science is interesting and important in the horticulture and agriculture industries, especially the sheep industry and that there are many career opportunities for students who study science in these industries.
The process was
- To visit the schools in the area and give a power point presentation to the year 9 & 10 students to show them the science in the industry and the possible career pathways.
- At the end of the presentation the camp was advertised and an application form supplied.
- The GrowSmart working group then met to select the students who attended the three day camp.
- The main activities were
- Visit Rex Spinley’s sheep property at Karoonda to observe cell grazing and other new developments.
- Visit Yookamurra wild life sanctuary and do a study of animal skats and participate in a night walk to observe nocturnal native animals
- Visit the Australian Science and Maths School and do experiments with data loggers and probes
- Visit Flinders University and do experiments with University scientists and graduates.
- Visit the Australian Wool Handlers wool Stores at Port Adelaide
- Visit the SARDI research facility at Turretfield to learn about the latest research into legume pastures, reproductive technologies and electronic tagging of sheep.
Resource Material
Summary of the Project
Proposal for the South Australian Project
Curriculum Links
Powerpoint Summary of the Project
Teacher and Student Activities
Camp Letter to Parents
Camp Letter
Letter to Schools
Camp Program
Separation of Wool Proteins
Thank You Letter
Feedback Results
Protein Molecular Weight Standard Curve 1
Protein Molecular Weight Standard Curve 2
Whose skat is that? Teacher Notes
Whose skat is that? Student Notes
Growsmart Camp Outstanding Success