PROD-100 |
Introduction to Australian Wool Production
Wool Production focuses on the characteristics of Merino wool which influence its value, such as fleece weight, average fibre diameter, staple strength, staple length, colour, vegetable matter and style. The impact of genetics, nutrition, environment, physiology and management on these wool characteristics is examined. The interactions between these factors is explored in a range of environments, providing a systems approach to wool production in each and an understanding of the constraints to wool production at a national level, thus allowing the identification and evaluation of options available to the commercial woolgrower for improving productivity and the value of their clip. |
This theme gives a general overview of the structure of the Australian wool growing industry. A profile of the industry, addressing such issues as the environment in which wool production is undertaken, the enterprises which produce wool and the quality and quantities of wool produced, is included.
You can download all presentations for each Topic as PPT presentations within a compressed archive (.ZIP) using the link provided for each Topic. You can preview the PPT presentation for each Module in PDF format using the link provided for each Module. The PDF does not include the notes.
PROD-100-050 |
Profile of the Australian Wool Growing Industry |
Modules in this topic provide a general overview of the profile of the Australian wool growing industry. The environments in Australia in which wool is produced, the enterprises which produce that wool, and the quantity and quality of wool produced, are all issues addressed to highlight the variation that exists in the Australian wool growing industry. |
PROD-100-050-050 |
Wool production environments in Australia |
This module provides a general introduction to the Australian environments in which wool production is undertaken. It looks specifically at rainfall patterns (quantity and distribution) and how these infuence pasture growth and composition. |
PROD-100-050-100 |
Profile of Australian Wool-producing Enterprises |
This module describes Australian wool-producing enterprises. A comparison is made between specialist woolgrowers and mixed enterprises, focusing on farm profitability. The determinants of farm income from wool are described as are the major production costs. Mention is made of differences in farm productivity and profitability between individual farms within a district, to highlight the variation that exists within the wool-growing industry. |
PROD-100-050-150 |
Production profile of the Australian woolgrowing industry |
This module contains the productivity of the Australian wool-growing industry in terms of product quantity and quality. Attention is given to state and regional differences in quantity and quality. The national sheep population is also discussed, in terms of genotypes, spatial distribution and age structure. |