Topic 13: Wool Top Measurement
This topic looks at the measurement of top length and length distributions. It discusses different technologies used in the measurement of this important commercial parameter and the effect these have on defining different top lengths.
This topic also provides a more in-depth understanding of the current base measurement system; the Almeter and its measuring principle – capacitance. This has a specific set of biases that require understanding in light of the development of new technologies based on different measuring principles.
Advances in technology have enabled the development of a new instrument, the OFDA4000. It uses different measuring systems, and introduces its own set of measurement biases.
By the end of this topic, you should have:
- an understanding of the measurements of fibre shape;
- have an understanding of top measurement principles, the differences that accompany different systems and the effect these have in respect to spinning and trading in tops;
- understand the underlying basis of the current system along with the principles of calculating results; and
- appreciate the importance of prediction technology to top length measurement.