• By Peter Sommerville
  • 22nd February 2019
  • Category: News

Project: Measurement of appetite, feed-use efficiency and fat metabolism to improve estimation of genotype profitability and selection indices in Merinos

This PhD will be embedded within a large AWI-funded project that aims to quantify differences in systems efficiency between animals and between sire groups. The project will measure feed intake, feed use efficiency and whole body energy on over 700 progeny from 30 sires from the ‘Merino Lifetime Productivity’ project.

The hypotheses tested will include:

(i) There are physiological differences between animals and sire groups that result in variation in whole body energy;

(ii) There is variation between animals and sire groups in feed intake; and

(iii) The variation in whole body energy and feed intake can be combined with whole of flock bio-economic modelling to quantify differences in systems efficiency between animals and sire groups.

A full PhD Scholarship ($27,000 pa x 3 years) will be offered from Murdoch University based in Perth, and opportunities to ‘top up’ the stipend from other funding sources will be explored. The project is well resourced and the student would commence the PhD program as soon as possible. Expressions of interest are encouraged from students that have a passion for the wool industry and that achieved 1A and 2A honours in Animal Science/Agricultural Science. Practical skills in sheep handling and measurements are also desirable.

For further details contact:

Associate Professor Andrew Thompson, 0437 316 117, Andrew.thompson@murdoch.edu.au

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